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Lambertville Station's Old World Wine Cellar

In a beautiful place such as this, it would be almost disrespectful to enjoy a glass without acknowledging the descriptive story of its tannins. 

Loaded with high expectations from the recommendation of a friend, I decided to go to The Wine Cellar located at the iconic Lambertville Station.  I could have very well stayed home and enjoyed a glass as I usually do (on the couch and with a blanket and Chromebook on my lap), but my commitment to explore and report on my adventures remains strong. 

Lambertville Station is sandwiched between the canal and the Delaware with unobstructed view of the bridge and river for miles and miles.  As soon as I crossed the threshold into the Lambertville Station, I was awestruck by its old world charm.  A casual welcome sign in the lobby pointed to The Wine Cellar as well as the tapas and oyster bars downstairs.  Descending down the steps to the open cellar, I was instantly drawn in by the lit fireplace and stone wall surround.  It was as if the intimate seating areas in various little nooks were just there waiting for me to make myself at home.

View from the top steps.
Opted for seats by the fire straight ahead.

Alan was our sommelier (wine steward) for the evening.  Truthfully, I had no idea what a "sommelier" was before looking it up, but I can say with certainty that Alan is a true sommelier.  He was sincerely charming, appropriately humorous, and very knowledgeable about wine and the Lambertville Station.  I knew right away that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. 

Once I got settled in, I went right for the wine list.  Knowing very well that a full glass of Cabernet would be in my future (as that was my go-to), you can imagine how over-the-moon I was when I came across the wine flights which consisted of three wines to sample.  Wine flights were so far off my radar that I felt genuine elation. There were two Cabernet flight options, and when asked Alan for a recommendation, he broke down the wines in each so effortlessly.  

I decided to go with the Big, Bold Cabernet Sauvignons which included 2 oz. tastings from three California Cabernets.  I savored and smelled each wine while I carefully and mindfully confirmed every detail in their descriptions.  Never have I given so such time and thought when enjoying wine.  In such a beautiful place such as this, it would be almost disrespectful to enjoy a glass without acknowledging the descriptive story of its tannins.   I've been to wine tastings before, but there was something different that night at the Cellar.  Maybe it was the refreshing charm of Alan's old soul or the time machine feeling of being in the 1800s, but the wine was all exceptionally rich and full of character.

As the tannins changed from one glass to the next, it became evident that even the order of the wine in the flight was thought out.  Everything about The Wine Cellar from the atmosphere to the wine combination was just right in creating a perfect wine tasting experience.  It was quite euphoric.  I can see now that my experience at The Wine Cellar was a pivotal moment in my future wine tasting game.  The Cellar has set the bar high for old world wine tasting experiences moving forward.

Before leaving, I had already decided on the Pinot Noir flight and the Unique Rieslings for my next visit.  Surely, I will let Alan help me pair it with something from the Tapas menu next time as well! 

Go to their website for updated Wine List and Tapas Menu which changes seasonally.  

Blog Update:  A reader informed me that The Wine Cellar was designed by Jim Hamilton, who is a Lambertville native and professional interior designer.  After some research, I learned that Jim Hamilton is known for focusing his talents on many local spots including The Swan, the Boat House, La Stalla, and the Stockton Market, among many others.  Having grown up in Lambertville, Jim remains true to this roots and has invested much of his time and talents into keeping the history and culture of Lambertville alive and thriving!  Going beyond his work in town, he has designed showrooms for Ralph Lauren and Diane von Furstenburg and stage sets for legends like The Rolling Stones and David Bowie.  Check out his website for a couple more pictures of the Wine Cellar - the few photos on his website blow mine clear out of the water!  Since experiencing the wonder of his designs in the Wine Cellar, and recently learning about Jim's reputation and credibility within the community, I have to put Hamilton's Grill Room on my list!  Who's with me!? 


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